Make it Community!

The MiC Drop Heard Round the World

Find Your Community!

When ordinary people believe they can change the world and are given the tools to do so, we will. We're doing it now.Join me to build community brands around a shared purpose and create the lives we all dream of.Go here to get a brief summary of how the connection engine works.

What is a Community Brand?

Coming soon.We'll be talking about Community and For-Purpose Brands, how they are the most critical way in which we transform our lives -- and the
Preston UK Community Wealth
Holoholo Rideshare
Ben Whittle & Danny Richman
Harper Lee
HelpBnk & Simon Squibb


Coming Soon on Spotify!
MiC Drop with J. Friday

Find a Community Brand

The connection engine is being built right now! Stay tuned and join the mailing list to be the first to know when we launch!

Get Involved with MiC

Join our Discord to get involved!

© J. Friday